
This section describes how to use Kotlin extension methods for validation checks, which displays errors in the Toast messages.


EasyValidation utilizes the power of Kotlin Extension methods and provides you a huge number of built-in validation rules in the form of extensions on String, EditText, TextView, AutoCompleteTextView, TextInputLayout, and Spinner classes.

This page explains about a Toasts module, which is the part of EasyValidation and automatically displays all the validation errors in the Toast message by default.


Add this in your app-level build.gradle file.

implementation "com.wajahatkarim:easyvalidation-toast:$ev_version"

And now you can use the extention methods with are like **Toast() on String, EditText, TextView, AutoCompleteTextView, TextInputLayout, and Spinner classes.

For example, you can check some validation checks on EditText like this:

var txtEmail = findViewById<EditText>(

// Valid email check
txtName.validEmailToast() { msg ->
    // Invalid email
    txtName.error = msg

// Minimum length check
txtName.minLengthToast(5) {
    txtName.error = it

List of Extension Methods

Here is the list of all extension methods for String, EditText, TextView, AutoCompleteTextView, TextInputLayout, and Spinner classes.




Returns the Validator object with text


Returns true if the text is not empty. And returns false if text is empty. Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if the length of text is less than given minimum length. Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if text length is greater than given length Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if text is a valid email address. Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if the text is any valid number Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if the text is number less than the given target number Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if the text is number less than or equal to the given target number Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if the text is number greater than the given target number Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if the text is number greater than or equal to the given target number Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if the text is a valid number and equal to the given target number Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if at least one or more characters are lower case Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if at least one or more characters are upper case Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if at least one or more characters are upper case Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if at least one or more characters are lower case Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if at least one or more characters are numbers Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if text starts with any number Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if text starts with any number Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if the text any number or digit. Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if text contains any alphabetic character Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if text contain no special characters Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if text contain at least one special characters Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if the text is not equal to the given text Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if the text is not equal to the given text Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if the text starts with the given text Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if the text ends with the given text Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if the text contains the given text Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns false if the text contains the given text Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if the text is valid credit card number. This supports Visa, Master Card, American Express, Diners Club, Discover, and JCB. Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if the text is valid credit card number with spaces between 4 characters. This supports Visa, Master Card, American Express, Diners Club, Discover and JCB. Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if the text is valid credit card number with dashes between 4 characters. This supports Visa, Master Card, American Express, Diners Club, Discover, and JCB. Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if the text is a valid URL Also displays the Toast message with the error.


Returns true if the text matches passed RegEx pattern. Also displays the Toast message with the error.

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