
This section describes how to use Kotlin extension methods for validation checks, which displays errors in the Toast messages.


EasyValidation utilizes the power of Kotlin Extension methods and provides you a huge number of built-in validation rules in the form of extensions on String, EditText, TextView, AutoCompleteTextView, TextInputLayout, and Spinner classes.

This page explains about a Toasts module, which is the part of EasyValidation and automatically displays all the validation errors in the Toast message by default.


Add this in your app-level build.gradle file.

implementation "com.wajahatkarim:easyvalidation-toast:$ev_version"

And now you can use the extention methods with are like **Toast() on String, EditText, TextView, AutoCompleteTextView, TextInputLayout, and Spinner classes.

For example, you can check some validation checks on EditText like this:

var txtEmail = findViewById<EditText>(

// Valid email check
txtName.validEmailToast() { msg ->
    // Invalid email
    txtName.error = msg

// Minimum length check
txtName.minLengthToast(5) {
    txtName.error = it

List of Extension Methods

Here is the list of all extension methods for String, EditText, TextView, AutoCompleteTextView, TextInputLayout, and Spinner classes.

Last updated