Including in your project

EasyValidation has a number of artifacts and modules that you can add in your project.

  1. Core: This module contains the main classes and all the built-in rules along with the views and collection kotlin extensions for validation purposes.

Since these modules are under development, so these are not available for use yet.

  1. Toast: This module contains all the views and collection kotlin extensions which displays Toast on invalid check.

  2. Snack: This module contains all the views and collection kotlin extensions which displays Snack on invalid check.

  3. Error: This module contains all the views and collection kotlin extensions which displays Error for views such as EditText, TextInputLayout, AutoCompleteTextView etc.

  4. Material Components: This module contains the views and collection kotlin extensions for all the latest Material Components.

Add library through jCenter and Gradle

Add this in project's build.gradle file:

// ...
allprojects {
    repositories {
        // ....
// ...

And then add this in app's build.gradle file:

def ev_version = "1.0.2" 

    // Core 
    implementation "com.wajahatkarim:easyvalidation-core:$ev_version" 
    // Shows Toasts by default for every validation error
    implementation "com.wajahatkarim:easyvalidation-toast:$ev_version"

Last updated